Thursday, June 15, 2006

Will I be disciplined enough to keep this up?

Well, this is my first blog and I have decided to document some of my profound thoughts. Have you ever had fabulous ideas or very important thoughts about life? Well, I have had many in my 30 years so far, none of which was ever documented. Okay, there were some that were written in a so-called diary when I was much younger but those don't count, right?

Well, a little more aobut myself: in my 30 years so far, I have lived in Europe, Asia, and North America. Besides traveling around the globe, I have gotten an MBA from Boston, found the perfect man, and purchased our first home here in Silicon Valley, California~ That is the gist of it and we currently share our lives with our two dogs whom we just ADORE and LOVE! What's next, you may ask? Well, babies, of course. Who knows when it will happen but we are just excited about where we are now and we are thrilled to take the next steps.

Well, I would blab on more, but Sex and the City is on now... so post later!


At Tue Jun 20, 04:10:00 PM PDT, Blogger Gretchen said...

I am so glad you are blogging. Makes me feel like we are not thousands of miles away.

Miss you guys!!


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