Monday, August 07, 2006

The Island

Last night Erik and I had a date night. We watched the movie 'The Island' starring Scarlett and Ewan. What a fantastic movie?! Not only is it action packed, it also has my favorite element in it - 'sci-fi thriller' and I love that suspense stuff! At the end of the movie though, you can't help but wonder the objectives and thoughts behind this movie. This movie was intelligently made and it contains several symbolisms such as the morality behind 'stem-cell research' and freeing of 'slaves'. Not that I agree with the conversatives point of view on the stem-sell research, but it gets people thinking the implications of having full-blown research as such.

If you have not seen the movie, definitely go for it! I sure was captivated!!


At Wed Aug 09, 01:51:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stem cell research is non-debatable. The people that say there is something wrong with it, are completely off their rockers! The formation of cells hardly constitutes a life...yet there is so much debate over its value. Why do we not question war in this way? Whose lives are we accidentally playing with while undergoing systematic attacks against our "enemies"???

But yeah, the movie was cool. :)


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